Saturday, January 3, 2015

New year's resolutions

Hello! Just to stifle the (nonexistent) rumors, no I am not an alien, or no longer interested in weaving. I have just been working on non-weaving projects to sell during the holiday season. And on that note, yes my Etsy shop is empty! I will do my best to fix that problem as soon as possible. Now, on to my New year's resolutions:
1. Learn more about weaving.
2. Blog more about what I am learning!

This blog post is my first efforts towards keeping both resolutions.  Today I plunged into the land of inkle weaving! My mom and I recently acquired an inkle loom on Ebay, and I finally got to try it out today. I will be the first to admit that my band started waaaay to tight, then it got too loose, but I think now it is just right. (Why yes, I have been called Goldilocks, what does that have to do with weaving?) Anyway, I am glad to be weaving again!
The beautiful new inkle loom.

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