Wednesday, March 16, 2016

And I'm weaving again!

LOVE this pattern! It is simple enough for me to do while listening to an audiobook, but complicated enough to not get boring.
 Boredom is the enemy, and it is the fear of being bored that keeps me up at night... ahem... trying out some ideas... ahem. My Zodiac sign is an owl.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the Midnight Meanderings Expo!
The bead loom was very busy.
First, I made this cute wrap-around bracelet to showcase some special red beads.

then I got funky with some fringes... make this!

It is definitely safe to say that I had WAY too much fun!


  1. I just found your blog today and have put your link into the Kindred Spirits over at my blog. Though I'm not a spinner and my weaving experience is limited, I'll look forward to following your exploits in thread and cloth.

  2. That is so awesome! Thank you! I look forward to seeing more of your patches as well. I love how you put stories into every one.
