Saturday, September 26, 2015


Hi! I know it has been a long time, and I have plenty of reasons (ahem... excuses) for not writing. The main two being lack of time, and Blogger and my tablet not seeing eye to eye.... but anyway! I have not been too fond of the idea of just writing a post when I finish a project, so I am not sure if I will keep doing that or write about what I am currently working on. I think it will mostly depend on when I have time.
And with that being said, here is what I am currently working on!  :-)

I am currently finishing up the chenille and mohair shawl in the pictures above. I forgot to get a good picture of it before I took it off the loom, (sorry!) so this one will have to do for now. Because of all the color changes there are a lot of threads to be sewn in, but I think it will be worth it because it is sooo soft! I am really looking forward to when it is finished!

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