Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Wheel is Smoking! Spinzilla Day Six

Yesterday my big brother bet me that if I could spin a mile by the time he got off from work he would buy me some hot wings! So, today I brought my wheel downstairs and started spinning! My other brother and I watched some old NCIS episodes on our big television. ( A real treat because previously I had just been watching on my 7" tablet.) One time when my mom checked in on us she said I was spinning so fast that she could almost see smoke coming off my wheel! The clock was ticking, I even skipped dinner so I could spin! And, with 20 minutes to spare... I did it! I set a new personal record of spinning a mile in one day! Hot wings have never tasted so good. :-)
When I crunched the numbers I discovered that I have only 434 yards left to reach four miles! Eeek! I have a busy day planned for tomorrow, and I will be away from my wheel all day... but if I stay up and spin till midnight then I might be able to make it!

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