Sunday, October 5, 2014

Get Ready, Get Set, ... Wait an Hour and a Half.

Spinzilla is almost here! The wheels are oiled, the bobbins are emptied, and the fiber is prepared. Now, all that is left to do is wait.... and wait. I will be honest and say that this is all I have been thinking about all day. Who knew 24 hours was so long! Spinzilla starts at 12:01 Monday morning in whatever timezone you are in, and I will be staying up to start at 12:01 on the dot! I have ooodles of prepared fiber, a spinning wheel maintenance kit, and a dear friend (who just happens to have 20+ years spinning experience) on speed dial. I think I am ready for everything! :-)

The goal is to spin one mile of yarn. It is now one hour till Spinzilla starts... wish me luck!

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