Tuesday, April 5, 2016

One of those days

Today was one of those days where I had marker on my hands and glue in my hair, but I didn't really care. I guess that's just my style! Most of my craft time was actually spent on a school project, where I had to make this puzzle cube:

Fun! And yes, in case you were wondering, this is where the marker and glue came from. :-)
After my schoolwork I did get back to real crafting.

The sewing thread warp has been pre-sleyed, and beamed onto the loom, so tomorrow I can start threading the warp! There were a few snags, so the tension isn't perfect, but I think I will be able to compensate for it when I start weaving.
And lastly, I found some beautiful purple flowers in the sun this afternoon.


  1. I can't get enough of your weaving process shots ... warping a loom has always seemed like a daunting task. I did do some needle weaving of 60 linen epi when I took an online weaving with Jude Hill ... enough to give me an appreciation for what it would take to scale up.

    1. I'm glad you like them! I started with needle weaving myself, and the first thing I told my weaving mentor was that I was worried about warping a loom. The first thing she did was walk me over to her smallest loom (the one I eventually bought from her) and pointed to a mass of yarn. "This is a warp" she told me, "and you are going to put it on the loom... right now."
      It turns out that it was a lot less scary than I thought it was. Putting on the warp and threading require patience and concentration, but not a lot of skill. However, for a 13 year old girl patience and concentration were difficult to achieve! ... seems like I managed anyway. :-)
