Monday, April 18, 2016

More fun with the Tri-loom

I know, I know, I really should finish the other half-dozen projects I have going before I start another, but...
A picture from last night.
I blame the yarn. The colors just "wanted" to be turned into a shawl!
I have been slowly working away at the sewing thread warp, and the warp for the Wolf loom is ready for pre-sleying, but I think I need to put those on hold for a few days. The reason is that a friend of mine is having a birthday in about a week, and I have decided to make her a tri-loom shawl in blue. This means that I need to get the current shawl off the loom, and get the blue one woven!
I see lots of time at the tri-loom in my near future...

A picture from this morning. "Oh look, I wonder how that happened."


  1. The word prodigious comes to mind ... you must not sleep!

    1. Ha! I wish. Sleep can be so inconvenient can't it? ;-)
