Monday, June 23, 2014

Welcome back to the land of crafting

Hi! So sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a few days! I was having some trouble with Google, and then had a crazy but wonderful weekend. So to play catchup; on Friday I couldn't get to blogger, so no blog post. On Saturday I spent the day with friends, so the loom didn't get fixed.Today I have been renovating my room to turn it more into a studio. A.K.A. furniture, books, and everything else I own has been: shoved into and pulled out of boxes, pushed into the hallway, "flown" (crashed) downstairs, and (to my brothers' relief) finally ended up in their desired locations. During all of that I managed to spin 32 yards of thread on my drop spindle, and make 5 inches of cord on my lucet. This week we have NO APPOINTMENTS ON THE CALENDAR. So I an 99.9% sure that the loom will get fixed this week. (Five minutes later we get a phone call and set off on a five month journey around the world.) Just kidding! But if you don't hear from me then you know what I'm up to. ;-)

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