Friday, June 6, 2014

Firstly, the fiber.

Wow, wow, wow, wow! Today I went to the Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta! Sorry I didn't get to taking pictures at the show. I was too busy prancing around, thinking I had died and gone to my own personal heaven. :-) It will take two posts to cover everything I got, but we will start with... you guessed it! The fiber. There were a lot of vendors and tons of fiber ready to be spun. I behaved... I didn't get EVERYTHING... just a lot. :-) Firstly there was a lady selling many different types of fiber. She gave me some angora rabbit, cotton, some fiber made from shrimp shells, and a wool and possum blend to try. I will report back with results :-) I also met a lady and her husband who were selling fleece from their Shetland sheep. It was really cute, they named the fleeces after the sheep they were from. So I bought "Axel, Bo, and Wenda". I had a really great time, and I will definitely be going back next year!
The Angora Rabbit

The cotton
The fiber from shrimp shells

The wool and possum blend
"Axel"  2 lbs. , 14 oz.
"Bo"  1 lb. , 12 oz.
"Wenda" 1 lb.

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